Thursday, February 18, 2010


i'm finishing 3 shows in march... which must be a record; but satisfying nonetheless.

just found out i got nominated for best set at Life! Theatre Awards... my second nomination!!!

i will be a civil servant this time next year...

i'll be doing cinderellah at the esplanade end of the year, should be up to 30 shows by the end of the year!! since i started at 19, this means i'm averaging 6 shows a year... i actually wish it was 14 a year.

i'm getting my financial portfolio managed with ippfa, good to start young, since i've got quite a bit of savings now...

but i still need to move faster if i'm already 25.

really need to set up my furniture design brand soon!

i think i will start being more selective with my shows too.

i can't wait to get assignments overseas!!!

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